Wednesday 18 December 2019

SLJ Activity 3 Day 3

Hello Guys,
This is the third day of the Summer Learning Journey.
We have been asked to choose a friend or family member and ask them what their dream job would be.
Then we have to brainstorm 6 ways to help them.

So for this the person I'm going to choose is.
Drum Roll Please (Drum Roll)
My cousin Nikhil.
His dream job is being a pro cricket player.
So now for the sixs ways to help!!

1. The first way is to be a sideline supporter and cheer him on.

2. The next would be to help him get ready after his game.

3. Next I would like to he him put his gear on for a game.

4. I also could be his bodyguard to protect him from his fans

5. Give Nikhil water and powerade and dry him off.

6. Mentor Nikhil and help him cricket tricks.

So that's it for now.
Cya Later Bloggers


  1. Namaste Ishaan, how is your day going?

    Thank you for doing week one, day three, activity three! It’s so cool that you’ve interviewed your cousin Nikhil. I really like the drum roll you’ve added in as I can actually hear it in my head when I read it, and the ways in which you could help support Nikhil are fantastic - they show you have put a lot of effort into this activity and that you are a super caring and supportive cousin! I especially like the one about being a bodyguard to protect him from his fan, how cool :)

    Have a great rest of your day and keep up the awesome mahi!
    Eliza :)

  2. Hi Ishaan.
    I very like your blog post.
    Hope you do more SLJ so I can read them every weekend.
    If you want to see my blog here it is.


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