Tuesday 17 December 2019

SLJ Activity 3 Day 2

Hi Guys,
Today is another SLJ activity.
We have been asked to remember when our self or a friend did something brave.

So the person I'm choosing is me. Now from my experience the bravest thing is my life that I did was living through a concussion. I got this when I was riding my scooter and fell off and hit my head. I started having weird episodes where I was very angry and sad at times.
I don't have it any more but I still have the effects.

Anyways Bloggers,
Cya Later

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Ishaan :)

    Thank you for doing week one, day one, activity three and for sharing that story. It sounds like you were super brave in that moment and I'm glad you’ve healed from the concussion! I’ve also had a concussion before - I got it from falling over on a very slippery deck, but I am all healed now.

    Do you still ride your scooter now, even after the concussion?

    Thanks for sharing your bravery story! Have a fantastic afternoon,
    Eliza :)


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