Friday 29 November 2019

County Inquiry

County Inquiry

This week Te Waka Ako has been study a country. We had to choose a country that starts with the first letter of your last name. I chose Germany.
After we had to identify the 3 closest countries. Then we had to find out 
3 native plants, 3 native animals and 3 foods from the country. 
After that we had to find a landmark and screenshot it on google maps and write were the landmark was. 
Then we had to find out the capital city and take a screenshot of it.

After all the other steps we had to find a famous person from that country and find a photo of them. 
Then we had to take a photo of our country on google earth. We also had to had to find the distance between NZ and that country.
And last but not least we had to write a postcard back home saying what you had done. 

Anyway here is my work.

Blog ya later... 

Friday 22 November 2019



Hi guys,

On Tuesday our school had a athletics day. The school had a lot of fun and they tried hard to get into Athletics Zones. There were lots of activities like 200m run, Shot-put, Sprints, Fun throws, High jump and even more. My favourite was 200m because I tested myself and I even got into the finals and came 4th in my age group, I also liked it because I got to do double length with a 400m run but that was just for fun. It was good because we had three breaks Morning tea, Lunch and Afternoon tea.

We also had house relays and and I was chosen and I ran so fast that my face looked angry. At the end I was so tired but then I had to do back track.
Anyway I think that everyone that came had a fun day.
See ya and here are some photos... 


Friday 8 November 2019

Fence People Unveiling

Fence People Unveiling

On the 4th of November we unveiled an improved awesome garden. It had rocks that the middle school children created to surround it. All the classes painted two people each. My class (Waitemata) painted an Indian Girl and a Cook Island Maori Boy. Before the unveiling the whole school sang the new school song. When we unveiled the improved garden, the youngest child and the oldest child in the school cut a ribbon to open up the garden. There are two entrances to the garden one from our Shade House and one from the other side. The gardens and fence people look so fantastic to look at. 
Here are some photos,
Blog ya later

Friday 1 November 2019

Kiwi Sports

Kiwi Sports

Last week 15 kids in Te Waka Ako went to Hillsborough Primary School too compete in six fun activities. Including Hoopla, Rob the nest, Non-stop-cricket, Scatter ball, T-ball and Tug Of War. Now I'll tell you about them. Hoopla was a running and tagging were the runner had to not get tagged by the tagger. Rob the nest was a game were you had to get as many toys in your hoop/nest as possible. Then was Non-stop-cricket where the bowler under armed the ball and the batter had to hit it the ball and had to make everyone in the group touch it and the bowler had to get as many wickets as possible. Then there was Scatter ball were fielders had to get three ball in a hoop but, the throwers had to throw the balls away and go from hoop to hoop to gain points. The second to last activity was T-ball were the fielders had to get the ball on the T before the batters got to a base. The last activity was Tug Of War obviously you know how that works. At the end of the day for sportsmanship we can third overall the groups/teams I am very proud of us.
Here are some photos.

See ya Bloggers.