Friday 8 November 2019

Fence People Unveiling

Fence People Unveiling

On the 4th of November we unveiled an improved awesome garden. It had rocks that the middle school children created to surround it. All the classes painted two people each. My class (Waitemata) painted an Indian Girl and a Cook Island Maori Boy. Before the unveiling the whole school sang the new school song. When we unveiled the improved garden, the youngest child and the oldest child in the school cut a ribbon to open up the garden. There are two entrances to the garden one from our Shade House and one from the other side. The gardens and fence people look so fantastic to look at. 
Here are some photos,
Blog ya later

1 comment:

  1. I like how you put your wrighting format it is really cool. I think you could put more time in your work because I can tell you rushed. I also loved how you did the exsactwright amount of photos. any by ishaan


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